ASHA HITTER UDHYOG Asha Hospital Asha International Pvt. Ltd. Asha Mandir High School ASHA RATNA PUSPA RATNA ASHA RESOLING ASHA TRADERS Asha Tyre & Resoling Asha World Nepal Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. ASHA WORLD NEPAL TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Asha X-Ray Clinic Ashadeep Ashama Glass Center Asheem Enterprises Ashemcha Offset Printing Press Ashford International ASHIM KASTHA UDYOG Ashima Auto Parts Ashima Auto Parts Ashima Trading Ashima Trading Concern Ashirbad College Ashirbad Higher Secondary School Ashirbad Impex Ashirbad Stationery Ashirwad College Ashirwad English Boarding School Ashirwad Higher Secondary School Ashirwad Poly Tape Industries Ashis Boarding School ASHIS HARDWARE Ashis Hardware & Paints Centre ASHIS HARDWARE AND PAINT CENTRE Ashish And Sunita Enterprises Ashish Carrier Ashish General Stores ASHISH MOTORCYCLE WORKSHOP Ashish Music Gallery & Curio Collection ASHISH NIRMAN SEWA Ashish Offset Press Ashish Shopping Center Ashish Shopping Center ASHISH STATIONERS ASHISH TRADING Ashish Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. ASHISH TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. ASHITWA ENTERPRISES ASHIYANA CONSULTANTS AND CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. ASHIYANA TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. ASHMA CO. FINANCE LTD ASHMA Construction Company Pvt. Ltd Ashmi Herbal Industries Ashmi International Ashmita Books Ashmita Silai Tatha Talim Kendra Ashok Adhunik Oil Mills Ashok Automobiles ASHOK BARAF UDYOG Ashok Battery Industries Ashok Battery Industries ASHOK BRICK FACTORY Ashok Brothers Ashok Cycle & Store ASHOK CYCLE AND STORE Ashok Dairy Firm Ashok Diesels Ashok Engineering Works Ashok Enterprises Ashok Enterprises Ashok Enterprises Ashok Fancy Stores ASHOK GAS SERVICE ASHOK GLASS HOUSE Ashok Guest House Ashok Kastha Karyalaya Ashok Kumar Kamlesh Kumar Ashok Metal Industries Ashok Paper Packaging Industries Ashok Plastic Packaging Industries ASHOK PLAZA Ashok Polymers Ashok Polytech Ashok Rice & Oil Mills ASHOK SHEET PVT.LTD. Ashok Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ashok Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ashok Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. Ashok Store Ashok Textile Industries (P) Ltd. Ashok Textile Industries (P) Ltd. ASHOK TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Ashok Textile Industry ASHOK TRADE INTERNATIOANAL Ashok Trade International Ashok Trading Ashok Trading Company Ashok Trading Concern Ashoka Carbon & Allied Industries (P) Ltd. ASHOKA CARBON AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Ashoka Carpet Industries Ashoka Elelctronics ASHOKA F.E.C. PVT. LTD. Ashoka Guest House ASHOKA KRISHI TRADERS Ashoka Power Mobiles ASHOKA TRADING Ashoka Travels & Tours- Western Union ASHOKA TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. ASHRITA INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. Ashruti Consults & Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. Ashuka Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Ashutosh Brokerage & Securities (P) Ltd. ASHUTOSH BROKERAGE AND SECURITIES PVT. LTD. Ashutosh Enterprises Ashutosh Impex Ashutosh Impex Ashutosh International (P) Ltd. Ashutosh Manpower Consultancy Services (P) Ltd. ASHUTOSH MANPOWER CONSULTANCY SERVICES PVT. LTD. ASHUTOSH TRAVEL AND TOURS P. LTD. Ashutosh Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. Ashwin International Pvt. Ltd. ASHWIN KUMAR POUDEL ASHWINI DYE CHEM INDUSTRIES Ashwini Marbles & Sanitations ASHWINI MARBLES AND SANITATIONS ASHWINS MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL PVT. LTD. Ashwo Tea & Food Product (P) Ltd. Asia - Pacific Communication Associates Nepal Asia Chemical Company (P) Ltd. ASIA CHEMICAL COMPANY PVT. LTD. Asia Commodities and Securities Pvt. Ltd. Asia Emporium Asia Excursion Pte. Ltd. Asia for All Asia Friendship P. Ltd. Asia Himalaya Equipment Shop Asia Himalayan Equipment ASIA INT'L TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Asia International Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Asia International Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Asia Link Services (P) Ltd. ASIA LINK SERVICES PVT. LTD. Asia Medical Hall & Clinic Asia Network for Small Scale Agriculture& Biotechonology ASIA NETWORK FOR SMALL SCALE BIORESOURCES Asia Network For Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) Asia Pacific Communication Associates (APCA) Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Asia Pacific Poly Clinic Asia Pacific Recruitment Service (P) Ltd. ASIA PACIFIC RECRUITMENT SERVICES PVT. LTD. ASIA PACIFIC TRADERS Asia Publication Asia Publications Pvt. Ltd. Asia Trading Concern Asia Travel Bureau (P) Ltd. ASIA TRAVEL BUREAU PVT. LTD. ASIA TRAVELLER SERVICE ASIA- PACIFIC COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATES NEPAL PVT. LTD. ASIA-HOLIDAY LODGE Asian Access Travel and Adventure Asian Adventure Travel & Tours (P) Ltd. ASIAN ADVENTURE TRAVEL AND TOUR PVT. LTD. Asian Adventure Trips P. Ltd. Asian Adventures Centre P. Ltd. ASIAN ADVENTURES CENTRE PVT. LTD. ASIAN AGGREGATE AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Asian Airlines Helicopter (P) Ltd. Asian Airlines Helicopter (P) Ltd. ASIAN AIRLINES HELICOPTER PVT.LTD. Asian American Free Labour Ins. ASIAN AUTO PARTS ASIAN AUTO PVT. LTD. ASIAN AUTO TRADERS ASIAN AUTOMOBILES Asian Building Painting Service Asian Business Management Consultants ASIAN CAR CENTER Asian Carpet Asian Center for Professional Excellence ASIAN COLLEGE FOR ADVANCE STUDIES Asian College For Advanced Studies (ACAS) Asian College of Engineering & Management Asian College of Higher Studies Asian College of Higher Studies, School of Management - ACM Asian College of Management & Technology Asian College of Medical Science & Technology Asian Computer (P) Ltd. Asian Computer System Pvt. Ltd. ASIAN CONCRETE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Asian Continental Press ASIAN CRAFTS PVT. LTD. ASIAN DESTINATION NEPAL TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. Asian Drinks Pvt. Ltd. Asian Drug Distributors ASIAN DYESTUFF INDUSTRIES ASIAN EDUCATION FOUNDATION ASIAN ELECTRONICS ASIAN EMPORIUM Asian Engineering College (AEC) Asian Expedition P.Ltd Asian Exports Asian Friendship Tour & Travel Pvt. Ltd. Asian Gas Centre Asian Heritage Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. ASIAN HERITAGE TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Asian Himal Music School Asian Himalaya Music School Asian Himalayan Music School ASIAN HIMALYAN MUSIC SCHOOL Asian Hospital & Research Center Asian Hotel Training Centre Asian Human Rights and Culture Development Forum ASIAN INSTITUTE Asian International Link (P) Ltd. Asian Japanese Language Insitute Asian Journey Asian Journey Treks (P) LtdYour Asian Language Institiute Asian Life Insurance Company Asian Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Asian Medical Diagonostic Centre (P) Ltd. Asian Motor Parts Asian Motorcycle & Trading Pvt. Ltd. ASIAN MOTORS Asian Multi Traders Pvt. Ltd. Asian Mystery Treks Asian Nu Tech Traders Asian Overseas Network Pvt. Ltd. ASIAN PAINT EMPORIUM Asian Paints (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd. Asian Paints (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd. Asian Paints Emporium Asian Pharmaceuticals Private Limited Asian Pharmaceuticals Private Limited Asian Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Asian Polyclinic & Diagnosis Center (P.) Ltd. Asian Public School Asian Sanitary & Tiles ASIAN SANITARY AND TILES Asian Saving & Credit Co-operative Ltd. ASIAN SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERETIVE LTD. Asian School of Management ASIAN SCHOOL OF TOURISM AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT Asian Securities Ltd. Asian Sky Links ASIAN SUPPLIERS Asian TeenoPlastic Ind. ASIAN THAI FOOD PVT. LTD. ASIAN THAI FOODS Asian Thai Foods (P) Ltd. Asian Thai Foods (P) Ltd. ASIAN TRADE HOUSE Asian Trade Link Asian Traders Asian Trading Centre ASIAN TRADING HOUSE Asian Training Institute Pvt. Ltd. Asian Trekking Equipment Store Asian Tyre House ASIAN TYRE SERVICES Asian Wire (P) Ltd. Asian Yatayat Sewa (P) Ltd. ASIANA AIRLINES AsianAirlines Asiatic International Trading Pvt. Ltd. Asiatic Trading Corporated Asiatic Trading Incorporated. ASIM AUTO PARTS Asim International Enterprises Asish Travels Service Asiyali Aawaj Ask Me Shopping Center Ask The Nepal Adventure Pvt. Ltd Aslam Textile Industries Aslewa Enterprises ASMA CO. FINANCE LTD Asma Coal Store ASMA COLD STORE Asma Trading Asmacs Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Asmacs Systems Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Asmacs Technical Training Institute Pvt. Ltd. ASMAN Asmat Cosmetic Store Asmita Books Publishers & Distributors Asmita Commercial Centre ASMITA COPY UDYOG ASMITA ELECTRONICS Asmita English School Asmita International Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Asmita Shringar Beauty Parlour Asmita Stationery Asmita Women's Publishing House Asna International Marketing Asoka Enterprises ASOKA PAPER COMPANY ASOKA POWER HOUSE Ason Bazaar Dot Com Pvt. Ltd. ASON FRESH FISH SHOP Ason Meat Centre Asormed Concern (P) Ltd ASP Computer Center ASPATAL PHARMA Aspatal X-Ray Clinic ASPEN ADVERTISING AND MARKETING PVT. LTD. Asphodel Public School Asra Travels & Tours ( P ) Ltd./World Himalayan Expedition ( P ) Ltd. ASRAYA LEGAL SERVICE ASSETS MANAGEMENT COMPANY PVT. LTD. Assocation Panels Enfants de Chauni Associated Agencies Associated Builders & Contractors (P) Ltd. Associated Builders & Contractors (P) Ltd. ASSOCIATED BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR PVT. LTD. ASSOCIATED BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS PVT. LTD. ASSOCIATED BUSINESS CONCERN ASSOCIATED CARPET INDUSTRIES OF NEPAL Associated Enterprises Associated Enterprises ASSOCIATED MEDIA PVT. LTD. Associated Press ASSOCIATES OF LAWYERS AND CONSULTANTS Associates' Nepal Synergy Association Chantal Mauduit Dhaulagiri Association for Craft Producers Association For Craft Products Association for Goodwill & InternationalRelation Association for Protection of Environment & Culture Association for Protection of Environment & Culture (Apec-Nepal) ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES PVT. LTD. Association for Sustainable Development-Nepal Association for the Children of Chhauni Association for the Welfare of Mentally Retarded Association For Tourism ASSOCIATION FOR VEDIC REALIZATION ASSOCIATION OF BISHAL BAZAR BUSINESS Association of British Alumini in Nepal (ABAN) ASSOCIATION OF BUDDHIST RELIGION NEPAL Association of Community Radio Broadcasters Nepal (ACORAB) ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTER ENGINEERS NEPAL Association of Computer Engineers Nepal (ACEN) Association of Development Agencies ofNepal ASSOCIATION OF DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Association of District Development Committees of Nepal Association of Dolpa Industry & Commerce ASSOCIATION OF GORKHA EX MILITARY ASSOCIATION OF LUMBINI BRICK OWNER Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Nepal (AMDA) ASSOCIATION OF NEPAL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Association of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries Association of Nepal Pashmina Industry ASSOCIATION OF NEPAL REPUBLICAN FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT ENTERPRENEURS Association of Nepalese Alumni from Australia Association of Nepalese Copper Industries Association of Nepalese in Midwest America Association of Nepalese Rice & Oil Industries Association of Nepalese Rice, Oil & Pulses Industry ASSOCIATION OF NEPALESE RICE, OIL AND PULSES INDUSTRY (ANROPI) Association of Nepalis in America Association of Neplease Indigenous Nationalities Journalist (ANIJ) ASSOCIATION OF OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCERS OF NEPAL Association of Pharmaceuticals Producers of Nepal Association of Political Science Students Association of St. Mary's Alumnae Nepal Association of Students of Architecture (ASA) Association of Volunteers Without Frontiers Association of Youth Organisations Nepal (AYON) Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) Association Pomme Cannelle Assumption Church Assurance Unity Life Int'l Ltd. Assurance Unity Life Int'l Ltd. Asta Engineering Works ASTA LAXMI TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Asta Laxmi Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. ASTA MANGAL ART AND CRAFT Asta Narayan Pictures Pvt. Ltd. Astamangal Carpet Udhyog ASTANARAYAN Aster Academy Astha Chiranjivi Trading Astha Computer Centre ASTHA COMPUTER INSTITUTE Astha Food Industry Astha Health Care Astha Laxmi Aawash Company Pvt. Ltd. Astha Printers (P) Ltd. Astha Textile (P) Ltd. Astha Traders ASTHA TRADING CONCERN Astitwa Enterprises Astoria Hotel Astra Constructions (P) Ltd. Astra Development Network Pvt. Ltd. ASTRAL COMPUTER NEPAL PVT. LTD. Astro Brihaspati Computer Jyotish Astro-Science Forum Astro-Vaastu Consultancy Astron Recording Pvt. Ltd. Astrum Academy ASUKA TRADERS Asuka Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. ASUKA TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT.LTD. ASWASTHAMA BHAKTA KHAREL Atahar Kapada Udyog Atal Brothers Atal Company ATALANTA TRADERS AND EXPORTERS Atc Exim Pvt Ltd. ATC Pvt. Ltd. ATC PVT. LTD. (1) ATC Scientific Business Conservation Centre ATC Solar Industries ATHARAI PUBLICATION PVT. LTD. Athiti Sadan ATI SUNDER STEEL FUNITURE INDUSTRY Ati Sunder Steel Furniture Atish Hardware Centre Atisha Primary School ATITHI CARGO AND AIR BOOKING P. LTD. Atithi Enterprises Atithi Saving & Credit Co-operative Ltd. ATITHI SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE LTD. ATITHI TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. ATL CONSULTING ENGINEERS Atlad Trading Concern (P) Ltd. Atlanta Traders & Exporters ATLANTA TRADERS AND EXPORTERS Atlantic Cargo Atlantic Cargo Atlantic Computer Pvt. Ltd. Atlantic International College Atlantic K. & K. Innovation Pvt. Ltd. Atlantic Oil Product Atlantic Overseas Services (P) Ltd. ATLANTIC OVERSEAS SERVICES PVT.LTD. Atlantic Textile Industries ATLANTIC TEXTILES Atlantic Traders ATLAS CARGO PACKERS AND MOVERS Atlas De Cargo Atlas De Cargo Pvt. Ltd. Atlas Engineering & Construction Co. P. Ltd. Atlas Engineering & Construction Company (P) Ltd. ATLAS ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. PVT. LTD Atlas Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Atlas International Travels & Tours Atlas Medicine Concern Atlas Medicine Concern (P.) Ltd. Atlas Overseas Employment (P) Ltd. ATLAS OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT PVT. LTD. Atlas Packers & Movers ATLAS PACKERS AND MOVERS ATLAS PACKERS AND MOVERS PVT. LTD. Atlas Pet Plas Industries Pvt. Ltd. ATLAS PET PLUS INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Atlas Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. Atlas Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd. Atlas Trading Co. Atlas Trading Concern (P.) Ltd. ATLAS TRADING CONCERN PVT. LTD. Atlas Travel & Tours (P) ltd. ATLAS TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Atlink Consultant Atlink Consultants ATM Consult Atma Gyan Prachar Sang Atma Gyan Prachar Sangh Atma Nirvarta Prabardhan Kendra Atmos International Pvt. Ltd. ATRI LAW CHAMBER ATRONICES GALLARY ATSP/NARC Attari International Attari Trade & Suppliers- Western Union Attentive Holiday Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd. Attentive Holiday Travels and Tours pvt ltd Attitude ATTORNEY GENERAL Attraction Fancy Store Attraction Nepal Pvt. Ltd. ATTRACTION VIDEO CENTRE Attractive Fashion Attsh Attsh Atul Home Made Food Products Atul International Pvt. Ltd. Atul Traders Atut Multiple Investment Pvt. Ltd. Atut Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. ATUT SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE LTD. AU- Nepal Official Representative of University of California AUCTION ROVER PUMP PLANNING AUDIO AND VISUAL ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. Audio Hut Trade Center Audio Sound Industries AUDIO VISUAL ACADEMY AUDIT NEPAL Auditing Standards Board & Accounting Standards Board AUKS CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. AUPAIR NEPAL PVT. LTD. Aura International Aurora Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. AURUNDAYA TRADERS AUS STUDIES CONSULTANTS AUS Studies Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Ausietech Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Ausit Diagnostic Center Aussie Visa & Educational Zone Pty Ltd. Auston Education Consultancy AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE NEPAL PVT. LTD. Australian Education Consultancy Center AUSTRALIAN VISA APPLICATION COLLECTION CENTER (TTS) Austravel & Tours Nepal (P.) Ltd. AUSTRAVEL AND TOURS NEPAL PVT. LTD. Austrian Air AUSTRIAN AIRLINES AustrianAirlines Authentic Education Institute P. Ltd. Authentic Education Institute P. Ltd. Authentiq Brewz Road Pte Ltd Autigm Care Nepal AutismCare Nepal Auto & Machinery Concern AUTO AND MACHINERY CONCERN Auto Ave Pvt. Ltd. Auto Bikash Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. Auto Camp Auto Care Auto Care Centre AUTO CARTO CONSULT PVT. LTD. Auto Centre AUTO CITY Auto Clinic Auto Connection AUTO CRAFT PVT. LTD. Auto Deco Auto Enterprises Auto Enterprises Auto Gallery Auto Home Pvt. Ltd. Auto Hot AUTO HUT Auto International Auto Link Auto Lube Lvt. Ltd. Auto Marg Auto Mart Auto Mart International Auto Mechanical Association of Nepal Auto Pacific (P) Ltd. Auto Pacific (P) Ltd. Auto Pacific (P) Ltd. Auto Pacific (P) Ltd. AUTO PACIFIC PVT. LTD. Auto Palace Auto Parts International Auto Point Center Auto Pool Auto Psychee Traders Auto Sales & Service (P) Ltd. Auto Sales & Service (P) Ltd. Auto Sales & Service (P) Ltd. AUTO SALES AND SERVICE PVT. LTD. Auto Service Auto Service Auto Spares Nepal Auto Tech Auto Wax Center Pvt. Ltd. Auto Ways Pvt. Ltd. Auto Wheel Trade House Auto Wheels Pvt. Ltd. AUTO WORLD AUTO WORLD PVT. LTD. Auto Yantrasala (P) Ltd. AUTO ZAM Auto-Electro-Mech Pvt. Ltd. Autoland Autoland Pvt. Ltd. Autoland Pvt. Ltd. AUTOMECHANICS ASSOCIATION OF NEPAL Automobile Accessories Automobile Spare Parts Dealer AUTOMOBILE TRADE DIRECTORY AUTOPARTS INTERNATIONAL Autoparts System & Supplier Auza Paints Ava Education Foundation Avalon House Avani Advertising Pvt. Ltd. AVANI DYE CHEM INDUSTRIES Avani Shaving and Credit Cooperative Limited Avanish Tradelink Pvt. Ltd. Avatar Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. Avaya Upchar Kendra AVCO International (P) Ltd. AVCO International (P) Ltd. AVCO International (P) Ltd. AVCO International Pvt. Ltd. AVCO SERVICE CENTRE PVT. LTD. Avear Green Traders Avel Flight School Aventis Pharma Limited AVENUES EDUCATION INSTITUTE Avenues Television Avenues Training & Educational Consultancy Avenues Training, Research & Educational Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. (ATREC) AVENUEUS TRAINING AND SECURITY SERVICE PVT.LTD. AVEREST The School Uniform AVI INTERNATIONAL PACKAGING CO. Avia Club Nepal Avia Club Nepal Avia Club Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Avia Tours & Travels Avian Influenza Control Project AVIATION AND TOURISM CONSULTANCY SERVICES PVT. LTD. Aviation Ground School Aviation Safety Department Aviation Training & Consultancy Services AVILEKH LAW CHAMBER Avinash Feed Industries (P) Ltd. AVINASH FEED INDUSTRIES PVT.LTD. AVINASH FUNITURE UDYOG Avinash Furniture Udyog Avinash Pharma Avinawan Media P. Ltd. AVINAWAN MEDIA PVT. LTD. Avion International Ptd. Ltd. Avion International Ptd. Ltd. AVIS TOURS AND TRAVELS AVISHEK LAW FIRM Avit Creation Pvt. Ltd. Avon International Education Pvt. Ltd. AVRAN PACKAGING UDYOG AVREST THE SCHOOL UNIFORM AVS TOURS & TRAVELS PVT.LTD. Awai Auto Trading Co. AWAI AUTO TRADING COMPANY AWAL CEMENT CARVING AWALE BRICK SUPPLIERS Awale Builders (Pvt.) Ltd. Awale Construction Awalokan Dainik Patrika Awan Samuha Awareness International Academy (AIA) AWASH SAREE HOUSE AWE Courier & Cargo P. Ltd. AWE Courier & Cargo Pvt. Ltd. AWE Courier & Cargo Pvt. Ltd. AWE COURIER AND CARGO PVT. LTD. Awhan Saptahik Awiskar Textile Awning Delhi Awon Electronic AWON INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY PARLOUR TRAINING CENTRE Awon Kalimati Clinic AXIOM REAL ESTATE COMPANY PVT. LTD. Axis Broking Solution Pvt Ltd AXIS HOLIDAYS NEPAL TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Axis HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Axis Human Resource Service Pvt. Ltd. Axis International Education (P) Ltd. AXIS INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PVT. LTD. AXIS MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD. AXIS NEPAL TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Axis Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. Axis Technical Training Center AXPERT ENTERPRISE Ayurved Campus Ayurved Campus AYURVEDA HEALTH HOME AND RESEARCH CENTRE AYURVEDA HEALTH HOME PVT. LTD. AYURVEDIC CHIKITSALAYA Ayurvedic Clinic Ayurvedic Cosultancy AYURVEDIC UPCHAR PRAMARSHA SEWA KENDRA Ayush Auto Parts AYUSH FURNISHERS Ayush Furnitures Ayush Impex Ayush International Overseas Services Pvt. Ltd. Ayush Marketing & Management Consultancy (P) Ltd. AYUSH MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. Ayush Printing & Packaging Industries Ayush Trade Centre Ayusha Enterprises AZAD PHARMA DISTRIBUTORS Azad Pharmaceuticals Distributors Azambari Concrete Industries AZEE ENTERPRISES AZIMA KITCHEN WARE Azima Trade Concern B & B Hospital (P) Ltd. B & B Hospital Special Clinic B & B Marketing Co. (Pvt) Ltd. B & B Stationary & Communication Center B & B Suppliers B & B Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. B & D Books B & D Photocopy & Stationery B & K Trading Concern B 2 R Group B 5 Fancy B AND B GOLD AND SILVER CRAFT PVT. LTD. B AND B HOSPITAL B AND B STONECROSSER B AND D BOOKS AND STATIONERY B B & M International P. Ltd. B Cube Mall B L Goenka Group B L Goenka Trading Concern B N SUB MONEY TRANSFER PVT. LTD. B P Traders- Western Union B SUPPLIERS B&B Furniture B&B Suppliers B&B Traders B-GAIN KITCHEN CONCERN B-line Tours & Travels B-LINE TOURS AND TRAVELS B-Line Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. B-Tech Computer World B. AND B. INC.PVT. LTD. B. AND B. STATIONERY AND COMMUNICATION CENTER B. B. C. Audio Video Sales & Service B. B. M. Hardware B. B. Roda (Concrete) Udhyog B. B. TRADE LINK B. B. Trade Links B. B. Trade Links B. Barun Medical Pvt. Ltd. B. C. Exports B. C. Pustak Pasal B. D. ENTERPRISES PVT. LTD. B. D. N. Oil Industries B. Four Engineering & Construction Pvt. Ltd. B. G. Auto Parts B. G. Tractors Spares B. Glass & Plywood B. J. & Company B. J. International B. J. Ram Re-Condition Car Centre B. K. & Sons B. K. Agrawal & Co. B. K. Agrawal Enterprises B. K. Agrawal Enterprises B. K. ART GALLERY B. K. Auto Spare Parts B. K. Construction B. K. Enterprises B. K. Footwear B. K. Footwear Pvt. Ltd. B. K. Global Educational Consultancy P. Ltd. B. K. Hardware Trading B. K. Laama & Associates B. K. Lamsal & Co. B. K. Machinery Concern B. K. Overseas Concern B. K. Paints & Hardware B. K. Plumbing Sewa B. K. Sanitary Traders B. K. Traders - Western Union B. K. Training & Consultancy Service Pvt. Ltd. B. K. Video Cassette Centre B. Ki. Enterprises B. L. Art B. L. Enterprises B. L. Enterprises B. L. IMPORT HOUSE B. M Overseas P. Ltd. B. M. Enterprises B. M. K. GROUP INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. B. M. Overseas P. Ltd. B. M. Printers B. M. Tamrakar Insurance Agent B. M. Trading B. N. Acharya Consulting B. N. Books & Stationers B. N. Dental Care B. N. International Export & Cargo (P) Ltd. B. N. Kedia & Sons B. N. Pathak Enterprises B. N. Pathak Enterprises B. N. Poster House B. N. SHRESTHA B. N. Trading B. N. Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. B. NEW SUPER LODGE B. P. Hardware B. P. Impex B. P. Kantipur B. P. Koirala Health & Science Academy B. P. KOIRALA HEALTH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY B. P. KOIRALA INSITITUTE OF HEALTH & SCIENCE B. P. Koirala Institute of Health & Science B. P. Koirala Institute of Health & Science B. P. Koirala Lions Centre for Opthalmic Studies B. P. KOIRALA LIONS EYE STUDY CENTRE B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital B. P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital B. P. Memorial Health Foundation (BPMHF) B. P. Radio, Watch Sales Centre B. P. Smriti Hospital B. P. TELECOM B. Paudel & Co. B. R. Awas Co. (P) Ltd. B. R. Books & Stationery B. R. Brother's Construction B. R. Electronics B. R. Impex International B. R. International Supply B. R. L. Memorial School B. R. Maintainence Service B. R. Maintenance Support B. R. Medical Supplier (P) Ltd. B. R. PHARMACUTICALS PVT. LTD. B. R. Printers B. R. Trade Concern B. R. Trading B. S. Baniya Store B. S. Books & Stationers Trade B. S. Builders B. S. Construction Co. Pvt. Ltd. B. S. Electronic B. S. Enterprises B. S. Enterprises B. S. Furniture Traders B. S. Overseas Pvt. Ltd. B. S. Printing Press B. S. Traders B. T. C. PRIVATE LIMITED B. T. C. Textile B. T. Nirman Sewa P. Ltd. b. traders B.B. & M. International Pvt. Ltd. B.B. PURI AND SONS B.B. RODA UDHYOG B.B.C. AUDIO VIDEO B.B.C.RADIO SERVICE B.B.HANDICRAFTS B.B.M HARDWARE B.B.RAJBHANSARY AND CO. B.B.TRADE LINKS B.C.N. Travels & Tours (P.) Ltd. B.D. ENTERPRISES PVT. LTD. B.J. Overseas Pvt. Ltd. B.K. & Company B.K. CARGO PVT. LTD. B.K. EXPORTS/PAGODA PACKERS AND MOVERS B.K. FOOTWEAR B.K. FOOTWEAR PVT. LTD. B.K. GLOBAL EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. B.K. MARBLE B.K. SANITARY TRADERS B.K. SHRESTHA AND BUILDERS PVT. LTD. B.K. VIDEO CASSETTE CENTRE B.K.ENTERPRISES B.K.K.NIRMANSEWA PVT. LTD. B.M. ENTERPRISES B.M. TRADING B.N MANPOWER OVERSEAS PVT. LTD. B.N. ADVERTISING AGENCY PVT. LTD. B.N. BOOKS AND STATIONERY B.N. Consultancy Pvt. Ltd B.N. INTERNATIONAL EXPORT AND CARGO PVT. LTD. B.N. ORIENTATION INSTITUTE PVT. LTD. B.N. TRADING B.N.KEDIAAND SONS B.P. ENTERPRISES B.P. KOIRALA INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES B.P. Memorial Health Institute & Research Center B.P. Memorial Hospital B.P. Smriti Swasthya Pratisthan B.P.IMPEX B.P.K.I.H.S B.R. DISTRIBUTORS B.R. Electronic B.R. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT B.R. Smriti Manav Adhikar Tatha Batabaran B.R. SUPPLIERS B.R.A. FILMS PVT. LTD. B.R.IMPEX INTERNATIONAL B.R.INTERNATIONAL B.R.M. Food Product B.S OVERSEAS PVT. LTD. B.S. Electronics- Western Union B.S. NAMASTE SKY ROYAL TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. B.S. Priniting Support B.S. Printing Press B.S. Trade International B.S. TRADERS B.S.BANIYA STORE B.S.INTERNATIONAL TRADING B.T. NIRMAN SEWA PVT. LTD. B.T.C. TEXTILE B.V.M. Higher Sec. School B4U Enterprises B4U Music Center Baal Vidhya Griha High School Baal Vidya Griha High School Baba Academy Baba Adventure Travel & Tours (P.) Ltd. BABA ADVENTURE TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. BABA ADVERTISING SERVICE Baba Architect & Engineering Consultancy BABA ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY Baba Bajrangbali Plastic Udyog BABA BISCUIT PRODUCTS PVT. LTD. Baba Biscuits Product (P) Ltd. Baba Biscuits Product (P) Ltd. Baba Bishwakarma Motercycle Workshop Baba Bishwokarma Chiura Udyog BABA BISWAKARMA CHIWRA UDYOG Baba Boarding High School BABA BOOKS STATIONERY AND SHOPPING POINT Baba Books, Stationery & Shopping Point Baba Bubble Gum & Chewing Gum (P) Ltd. Baba Electronics Service Baba Flour Mills (P) Ltd. Baba Flour Mills (P) Ltd. BABA FLOUR MILLS PVT. LTD. Baba Food Products Baba Footwear (P) Ltd. Baba Foundation Nepal Community Health Centre Baba Furniture Udyog BABA GAS SUPPLIERS Baba Gas Udyog (P) Ltd. Baba Gas Udyog (P) Ltd. BABA GAS UDYOG PVT. LTD. Baba Hardware BABA HARDWARE AND SANITARYWARE Baba Impex Baba International Baba Jute Mills (P) Ltd. Baba Jute Mills (P) Ltd. BABA JUTE MILLS PVT.LTD. Baba Kinderworld BABA MEDICAL CENTER Baba Medical Center Baba Foundation Nepal Baba Medical Centre Baba Medicine Suppliers Baba Multi Colour Printers (P) Ltd. Baba Multi Colour Printers (P) Ltd. Baba Multicolour Plastic Pvt. Ltd. Baba Nirman Sewa BABA OIL STORE Baba Paints Pvt. Ltd. Baba Paints Pvt. Ltd. Baba Paper Mills Pvt. Ltd. BABA PETROL CENTER Baba Power Solution Pvt. Ltd. Baba Printec Services Baba Printers (P) Ltd. Baba Printers (P) Ltd. Baba Ramdev Suppliers BABA SHIV PACKAGING UDHYOG Baba Stationary & Secretarial Enterprises BABA TOUR BABA TRADE SYNDICATE Baba Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. Baba Travels & Tours (P) Ltd. BABA TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Baba Visiting Card Center Babagehome of Information Technology Babai Multiple Campus BABALUKO PASAL BABAPAINTS PVT. LTD. Babi Beauty Parlour BABITA KIRANA STORES BABLI SHRESTHA Baboo Genuine Motor Parts Baboo Sanitary Ware Baboo Uniform Babu Impex BABU NEW ENTERPRISES BABU RAM REGMI Babu Ratna Construction Babu Vidya Mandir Secondary School Baby Angel English School Baby Auto Engineering Baby Pauroti Udyog Baby-Zone Pre Primary School Babylon National School Babylon National School Bacchu Medico Bachuspati Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. Back Home Food Product (P) Ltd. Back Home Food Product (P) Ltd. Backpacker Treks & Expedition (p).Ltd. backpacker treks&expedition Backward Society Education (BASE) Backward Society Education (BASE) BADAL TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. BADAM GENERAL STORES << back