Live Nepal : Kathmandu Maida Mills Pvt. Ltd. - Krishna Glass & Frame House

Kathmandu Maida Mills Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Management Academy (K.M.A) Kathmandu Manpower Development Centre Kathmandu Marketing & Trading House Pvt. Ltd. KATHMANDU MARKETING PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Masala Udhyog Kathmandu Match Factory Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Media Kathmandu Media, One Stop Solution Kathmandu Medical College Kathmandu Medical College Kathmandu Medical College, Teaching Hospital KATHMANDU MEDICAL HOSPITAL KATHMANDU MEDICO Kathmandu Metal Industries & Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office Kathmandu Metropolitan Ward Office KATHMANDU MILK BAR'S KATHMANDU MILK DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Kathmandu Model College Kathmandu Model Higher Secondary School Kathmandu Model Hospital Kathmandu Model Hospital- School of Nursing Kathmandu Model Institute Kathmandu Model School KATHMANDU MONEY EXCHANGE KATHMANDU MOUNTAIN BIKES Kathmandu Multiple Institute KATHMANDU MULTIPURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Kathmandu Multipurpose Connection Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Music Centre Kathmandu Mutual Kathmandu Neon Manufacturing Co. (P) Ltd. Kathmandu Neon Sign Kathmandu New Castle School Kathmandu Newa Kindergarten Kathmandu Nursing Campus KATHMANDU NURSING HOME PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Optical Kathmandu Opticals Kathmandu Orthopaedic & Poly Clinic Kathmandu Outdoor Store Kathmandu Overseas (P) Ltd. KATHMANDU OVERSEAS PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Paragliding & Hanggliding Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Pashmina Kathmandu Peace Guest House KATHMANDU PHARMA VET. PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Pharmavet (P) Ltd. Kathmandu Photographer Association KATHMANDU PHYSICAL FITNESS Kathmandu Pipe Centre Kathmandu Plaza Kathmandu Polyclinic KATHMANDU POLYTHCHNICS KATHMANDU POSTEL CARE PVT.LTD. Kathmandu Poster & Gift Collection Kathmandu Power Company Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Power Solutions Kathmandu Pragya Kunja College Kathmandu Prince Hotel Kathmandu Printing Service Kathmandu Property Developers & Real Estate Kathmandu Property Investment & Realstate KATHMANDU PROPERTY INVESTMENT AND REAL ESTATE PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Public School KATHMANDU RECONDITION PLAZA PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Repairing Center Kathmandu Repairing Centre Kathmandu Resort Hotel KATHMANDU RUBBER UDYOG PVT. LTD. KATHMANDU SAUSAGE INDUSTRY KATHMANDU SAUSAGE INDUSTRY PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Scandinavian Link - KSL Kathmandu School of Law Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) Kathmandu School of Law (KSL) Kathmandu School of Management Kathmandu School of Medical Technology Kathmandu School of Public Affairs Management KATHMANDU SCREEN PRINTERS Kathmandu Security Service (P.) Ltd. KATHMANDU SECURITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Service Centre P. Ltd. Kathmandu Small Hydropower Systems Kathmandu Smart Educational Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Software development Center Pvt. Ltd. KATHMANDU SPORTS Kathmandu Sports & Music Kathmandu Sports Development Committee Kathmandu St. Xavier Educational Consultancy Kathmandu Stationery Center KATHMANDU STATIONERY CENTRE KATHMANDU TAILORING CENTER Kathmandu Tea Industries Kathmandu Technical Center KATHMANDU TECHNICAL CENTRE KATHMANDU TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTRE Kathmandu Tent House & Catering Service KATHMANDU TILE INDUSTRY Kathmandu Tile Udyog Kathmandu Today KATHMANDU TOURIST KATHMANDU TOURIST BANGLOW KATHMANDU TOURIST BUNGLOW PVT.LTD. Kathmandu Trade Centre Nepal Pvt. Ltd. KATHMANDU TRADING CO. PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Trading Concern Kathmandu Training Institute KATHMANDU TRANSPORT Kathmandu Travels & Tours KATHMANDU TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Tuk Tuk (P) Ltd. KATHMANDU TYRES Kathmandu Uniform Kathmandu University Kathmandu University Centre for Art & Design Kathmandu University College of Technology Science Kathmandu University High School Kathmandu University High School Kathmandu University School of Education Kathmandu University School of Management Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) Kathmandu University School of Science, Management Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited KATHMANDU URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT KATHMANDU VALLEY Kathmandu Valley College Kathmandu Valley Education Information Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Valley H. S. School KATHMANDU VALLEY HOUSING CO. PVT. LTD. Kathmandu Valley Mapping Programme Kathmandu Valley Offset Press Kathmandu Valley School KATHMANDU VALLEY TOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMEETTEE Kathmandu Valley Town Development Committee Kathmandu Variety Suppliers Kathmandu Veterinary Clinic Kathmandu Vidhya Kunj Secondary School Kathmandu Vidya Kunja Secondary School Kathmandu View (P) Ltd. Kathmandu View Hotel KATHMANDU WOMEN Kathmandu Women's College Kathmandu Xavier's Public School Kathmandu Yoga-Dhyan Kendra Kathmanu Training Center KATHSPOINT KATHSPOINT AUDIO AND VIDEO CENTRE Katmandu Valley Vehicular Emission Control Kausal Hanumenta Nirman Sewa KAUSAL KASTHA UDHYOG Kaushala Hardware Center Kaushala Iron & Steel Industries P. Ltd. KAUSHALA IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Kaushala Yatri Niwas KAUSHALENDRA KUMAR SINGH Kaushik Janashakti International (Pvt.) Ltd. KAUSHIK JANASHAKTI INTL. PVT. LTD. KAUSHILA TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. KAUSIKI INFOSYS INTERNATIONAL Kautilya Kaveri Enterprises Kaveri Enterprises Kaveri Soap & Chemical (P) Ltd. KAVPCE MEDIA NEPAL Kavre Campus KAVRE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY KAVRE DISTRIC DAIRY PRODUCTION CO-OPERATIVE Kavre Educational Centre KAVRE FEED INDUSTRIES Kavre Health Training Institute KAVRE HOTEL AND LODGE Kavre Madhyamik Vidhyalaya KAVRE MINI BUS SEWA SAMITI Kavre Minibus Sewa Sammittee Kavre Offset Press Kavre Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. Kavre Sindhu Marketing Kavre Social Development Council Kavre Times Saptahik KAVRE UNITED SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Kavya School KAWA CHASMA GHAR KAYA KALP BEAUTY PARLOUR AND TRAINING CENTER KAYA KALPA KAYAL AND COMPANY Kayam Mosaic Tiles Industry Kayastha Auto Kayastha Enterprises Kayeshwori Boarding School Kayeshwori English Boarding School Kayo Fibre Glass Udyog Pvt. Ltd. KAYO FIBREGLASS UDYOG PVT. LTD. Kayo Handicaft Kazmeez Immigration Service KB Brother's Penpal Club KB Chitrakar & Co KB CHITRAKAR AND CO Kbird International Pvt. Ltd. KBL International Overseas (P) Ltd. KBL INTERNATIONAL OVERSEAS PVT. LTD. KBS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. KBSAM ALUMINIUM IND. PVT. LTD. KC Art & Printing KC PLASTIC PASAL KC Super Cement KC Super Cement KC Super Cement KC TOURS AND TRAVEL PVT. LTD. Kchetriya Beu Bijan Kchetriya Khadya Bisleshan KDBC Business School KEBS Academy KEC Institute Kedar Arts & Crafts Nepal (P) Ltd. Kedar Carpet Industry Pvt. Ltd. KEDAR NATH ACHARYA KEDAR NATH GIRI KEDAR NATH UPADHAYA KEDAR PD. CHALISE KEDAR PD. PYAKUREL Kedar Photo Udhyog- Western Union Kedar Photo Udyog- Western Union KEDAR PRADHAN KEDIA AUTO ENTERPRISES Kedia Auto Service Station Kedia Eye Hospital Kedia International Kedia International P. Ltd. Kedia International Pvt. Ltd. Kedia Organisation Kedia Organisation KEDIA SAME PVT. LTD. KEDIA SUSHIL SADAN KEDIA TRADERS Kee Hup Shirts Keen Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Keeps Trading House Keiko's Hotel & Cottages Keith Devis Management Consulting KEITH DEVIS MANAGEMENT CONSULTING PVT. LTD. KELLOGG'S INDIA PVT. LTD. KEMS School Kendriya Itta Center Kendriya Itta Center Kendriya Vidyalaya KENDRIYE ITTA BIKRI CENTER KENIMA TRADE CONCERN Kenji International School KENNEL CLUB NEPAL Kent Secondary Boarding School Kentredder Nepal (P) Ltd. Kenwood Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. Kenzo Passion For Fashion Keren International Keric Academy Nepal Keron Motor Driving Training Centre Kerwani Higher Secondary School KESAR LIBRARY Kesha Group Kesha Group Kesha International Pvt. Ltd. KESHAB BDR. THAPA KESHAB PD. UPADHAYA KESHAB TRIPATHY Keshan International KESHAR AND SONS Keshar International KESHARDAS NIRMAN SEWA KESHARI RAJ PANDIT Kesharichand Banwarilal Keshav Raj Dhakal KESHU MOTORCYCLE AUTO PARTS KESRI METAL LIMITED Keval Tours & Travels- Western Union KEWAL Kewal Auto Works KEWAL STATIONERY PVT.LTD. Kewal's Uniform Kewal's Uniform Key Advertising Service KEY ADVERTISING SERVICE PVT. LTD. Key Concern Key Concern Key House Key Research Nepal (P) Ltd. KEY Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Key Two Career Education Consultancy Keyel Trading Concern KeyMan (P) Ltd. KEYMAN PVT.LTD. KEYMARK Keypu Enterprises KEYSTONE TRADING HOUSE PVT. LTD. KFA KFA KFA KFA A Level KFA Business School KG ENTERPRISES KGN ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Khabar Kagaj Saptahik Khadak Saler Rice Mill & Baniya Suppliers Khadga Sheller Rice Mill & Baniya Supplier Khadhya Udhyog Limited Khadka Furniture Udhyog Khadka Hardware Center Khadka Medicine Suppliers Khadka Pashmina Udhyog KHADKA SURGICAL HOUSE Khadka Traders Khadya Tatha Krishi Bazar Sewa Khadya Udyog Ltd. Khadya Udyog Ltd. KHADYANNA AALU PYAJ BIKRETA Khadyanna Aloo Pyaj Bikreta KHAGENDRA BHATTARAI Khagendra Nawa Jeewan Kendra KHAGENDRA NEVA JEEVAN KENDRA Khagendra New Life Centre Khagol Overseas Pvt. Ltd. KHAHARE ENTERPRISES Khajuri Foods Industry Khajurico Nepal Pvt. Ltd KHALIL MOTORCYCLE REPAIRING WORKSHIP KHAMPA TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATOR PVT. LTD. Khampache Sherpa Nirman Sewa Khamsum Carpets KHAN BIO CONCERN Khan Eletronics KHAN KAHT UDHYOG KHAN STORE Khanal Book's & Stationery Khanal Construction Khanal Curio Arts Khanal Kirana Stores Khanal Medical Distributors Khanal Money Network- Western Union Khanal Motor Driving Center KHANAL OIL, RICE AND FLOUR MILL KHANAL PHOTO STUDIO KHANAL POLTRY PVT. LTD. KHANAL ROSIN AND TERPENTAINE PVT. LTD. KHANAL SUPPLIERS Khanal Trading Centre KHANAL TRADING CO. PVT. LTD. Khanal Trading Company Khanal Trading Company Khandbari Municipality KHANDELWAL INTERNATIONAL IMPEX Khandelwal Rice Oil & Flour Mills Khandelwal Soap Industries Khangri Resort Pvt. Ltd. KHANGSAR GUEST HOUSE Khangsar Guest House (P) Ltd. Khangsar Khanepani Sewa Pvt. Ltd. KHANIKHOLA HARDWARE KHANIKHOLA HARDWARE STORE Khanna Brothers Khapa Educational Academy Khapa Small Institute Pvt. Ltd. Khapalu Nirman Sewa Khaptad International Services (P) Ltd. KHAPTAD INTERNATIONAL SERVICES PVT. LTD. Khaptad Oil Store Khaptad Paradise Village Resort KHAPTAD TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Khaptap Ashram Prakashan Samittee Khaptar Aroma Industries KHARDEP REST HOUSE Kharel & Sons Kharel Fancy Corner KHAREL LEGAL SERVICE KHAREL MEDICAL HALL KHAREL TRADERS Kharel Traders Super Market Kharel Veterinary Store Kharipati Dairy Pvt. Ltd. KHARPALI LAW FIRM Kharthenga Carpet Industries KHASA EMPORIUM Khaseuli Chamal Karkhana Khasha Electronics Suppliers Khasokhas Press Khasty Enterprises Khatiwada Suppliers KHATRI AND COMPANY PVT. LTD. Khatri Hardware KHATRI SHISHA PASAL KHATRI SWEET HOUSE AND RESTAURANT KHATRI TRADERS Khatry Feed Product Khatry Livestock Product Khatry Traders Khatu International Khatu International (P) Ltd. Khatun Rice Mill KHAYALU ENTERPRISES Khelauna Wholesale KHEM RAJ NIRAULA Khem Raj Sapkota KHEMI SATHI RICE AND OIL MILL Khemi Sati Rice & Oil Mill KHEMI SATI RICE AND OIL MILL Khenste Carpet Pvt. Ltd. Khetan Brothers Khetan Group Khetan Marketing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Khetan Tea Company Khetan Tea House Khetan Tea Stores KHETAN TRAVEL AGENCY PVT.LTD. KHIL RAJ REGMI KHILRAJ REGMI Khim Construction KHOJ KALA TRAINING CENTER Khoj Talas KHOJBIN KHOJI NATIONAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE KHOM CONSTRUCTION Khom Construction & General Pvt. Ltd. KHOM CONSTRUCTION AND GENERAL PVT. LTD. Khopasi SCH Project Khopland Annapurna Rice Mill KHOPLANG ANNAPURNA RICE MILL Khoranga Khola H'Power Dev. Co. Pvt. Ltd. KHORANGA KHOLA HYDRO POWER DEVELOPMENT CO. PVT. LTD. Khosi Trade Link Khosin Rugs KHOTANG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY KHOTANG FLOOWRING AND FURNISHING Khotang Guest House Khowpa Higher Secondary School Khowpa Screen Print Khubsoorat Kurta Khudi Hydropower Ltd. KHUKURI ENTERPRISES PVT. LTD. KHUKURI FOOTWEAR INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Khukuri Footwears Khukuri Footwears Khumbi-ila Voyage Tours & Travels (P) Ltd. KHUMBI-ILA VOYAGE TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. KHUMBILA HOTEL Khumbu Bed & Breakfast Guest House KHUMBU CARGO AND COURIER SERVICE PVT. LTD. Khumbu Carpet Industries Khumbu Himal Carpet Industries Khumbu Himalaya International Trade (P) Ltd. KHUMBU HIMALAYA INTERNATIONAL TRADE PVT. LTD. Khumbu Hotel P. Ltd. Khumbu Overseas Services Pvt. Ltd. KHUMBU TENZING HANDICRAFTS Khumbu Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. KHUMBU TRAVEL AND TOURS PVT. LTD. Khumjung Hotel Training Center Pvt. Ltd. Khursed Ahemad & Sons KHURSED AHEMAD AND SONS KHURSID AHEMAD AND SONS Khusah Trading Network Pvt. Ltd. KHUSAL PLY AND HARDWARE Khusboo Enterprises Khushaha Trading Company KHUSHI AND BINI ENTERPRISES KHUSHI AUTO KHUSHI KHUSHI FAMILY TOWN Khushi Khushi Hotel Khushi Sarees KHUSHI WORLD TRAVELS AND TOURS PVT. LTD. KHUSI AND BINI ENTERPRISES Khusibu Hardware KHWAJA TRADERS AND POPULAR TRADING COMPANY Khwopa College Khwopa Engineering College Khwopa Guest House KHWOPA HANDICRAFT CREATION CENTRE Khwopa Higher Secondary School Khwopa Poly-technic Institute Khyalu Enterprises Kid's Hut Kid's World International Kiddies International Pre-School Kiddies Wear Kids Kids Campus Kids Care Inernational Preschool Kids Care Inernational Preschool Kids Care Inernational Preschool Kids Care International Kids Care International Preschool KIDS CARE INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL Kids Gyan Kids Home Daycare KIDS MAGIC KINGDOM Kids Paradise Kids World Fashion Kids' Club Kidsland Montessori Preschool KIEV DENTAL CLINIC KIHM Pvt. Ltd. Kika Khadhya Udhyog Kikanpa Dance Performers Society Kilkari Children Wear Outlet KILOYS RESTAURANTS Kim Beauty Clinic Kimathanka Travels Agency Pvt.Ltd. Kimdo Pashmina KIMI INSTITUTE KIMS COMPUTER CENTER Kims Computer Institute Kims Institute of Technology Kin Kraft (P) Ltd. Kinder Care International (p) Ltd. KINDER KINGDOM Kinder Planet Pre-School KInder World Kinetic Motorcycle Showroom KING KING KOIL KING MAHENDRA EYE HOSPITAL KING MAHENDRA MEMORIAL EYE HOSPITAL King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation (KMTNC) King Tribhuvan Memorial Committee King Tribuban Memorial Commitee King's Collection King's College King's Institute Pvt. Ltd. King's Land Guest House KINGDOM EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Kingdom Star English School Kings Academy KINNORI BEAUTY CENTRE AND TRAINING INSTITUTE Kinome International Education Center Kipoo Book Point KIPU BOOK POINT Kiram Motorcycles Workshop Kiran Kiran & Associates Kiran Arts Kiran Beauty Parlour Kiran Chap Masala Udyog Kiran Electronic Shop Kiran Electronics Center Kiran Enterprises Kiran Furniture Udhyog KIRAN GUEST HOUSE KIRAN INDUSTRIAL TRADING COMPANY KIRAN MEDICAL CENTRE Kiran Motorcycle Workshop Kiran Photo Studio KIRAN PURUSH DHAKAL KIRAN SCREEN PRINT Kiran Secreterial Service Kiran Shoes Manufacturers Kiran Smriti Kosh Kiran Stores Kiran Traders KIRAN UMAR POKHAREL Kiran Workshop Kiran's Atelier KIRANA BYAPARI SANGH Kirara Electronics Nepal Kirat Auto Parts Kirat Rai Yayokkha Kirat Solar Water Heater Engineering Works Kirateshwar Sangeetashram Kirati Feed Suppliers KIRITA ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM Kirita Entertainment Systems Kirloskar Generators Sterling Sales Co. Pvt. Ltd. KIROJ MAN SINGH DANGOL Kirti Ayurvedic Aushadhalaya Kirti Cargo Service Private Limited Kirti Carpet Industries Kirti Secondary Boarding School KIRTI STUDIO KIRTIPUR Kirtipur Computer Institute Kirtipur Hardware Kirtipur Healthcare Clinic Kirtipur Hillside Hotel & Resort Kirtipur Jaycees Kirtipur Madhyamik Bidhyalaya Kirtipur Minibus Byawasai Sangh Kirtipur Monastery Kirtipur Municipality City Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Municipality Ward Office Kirtipur Optical Centre Kirtipur Refregetor Workshop Kirtipur Saving & Credit Cooperative Society KIRTIPUR SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Kirtipur Tent House Kirtipur Woolen Carpet Ind. Kirtipur Yatayat Sewa Co. Ltd. Kisan Dana Udhyog Kisan Trading Concern KISHAN BRICK FACTORY KISHAN DANA UDHYOG PVT. LTD. KISHAN FURNISHING HOUSE Kishan Gobar Gas Udhyog Pvt. Ltd. Kishan Hardwares Kishan Hardwares Kishan Krishi Samagri Sewa Bhandar kishan thapa KISHAN TRADERS Kishan Watch Centre Kishor Ad Kishor Banskota Kishor Brothers KISHOR CARPET Kishor Carpet Industry Kishor Carpet Udyog (P) Ltd. KISHOR MOTORS Kishor Offset Press KISHOR SILWAL Kishor Trading Center Kishor Watch & Optical House Kishore Oil Store- Western Union Kishori Oil & Rice Mill KISHORI OIL AND RICE MILL KISHORI RICE AND OIL MILL Kishoriji Kirana Bhandar Kismat Guest House Kismis Catering'Rental Service Kismis Catering/Rental Service KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST Bank Ltd. KIST College Kist College of Management KIST Medical College Teaching Hospital KIST Merchant Banking & Finance Ltd. Kite Advertising Kite Education Foundation Kites Education Center Kits College of Nursing KITS College/HIC Kits Education Foundation KITS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION KITS Employment Services (P) Ltd. KITS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PVT. LTD. Kitta Napi Mahasakha, Survey Department Kiwi Enterprises Kiwi Guest House Kiwi Sherpa Consultancy (P) Ltd. Kiwi Tours & Travels (P.) Ltd. KL Concern KLC Education Klient Scape Pvt. Ltd Klientscape Pvt. Ltd KLMRoyalDutchAirlines KM Korean Language KMC NEPAL LTD. KMC School KMD Farm Export KMM CO-OPERATIVE LTD. KMS TRADING PVT. LTD. KNC International Pvt. Ltd. KNIGHT ENTERPRISES Knight Enterprises, Shailendra Sagar Exporters Knight's Collection Knit Master of Pashmina KNITMASTER Knitting Udyog KNOCK ON COMPUTER KNOCK ON TRADERS Knots & Crafts (Nepal) KNOTS AND CRATS (NEPAL) Knowledge Academy Knowledge Synergy Pvt. Ltd. Kochar & Company Kohinoor Agro Industries KOHINOOR AQUARIUM KOHINOOR CARPET IND. LTD. Kohinoor Cold Storage (P) Ltd. KOHINOOR COLD STORAGE PVT. LTD. KOHINOOR ELECTRONICS LAB KOHINOOR FLOORING AND FURNISHING KOHINOOR FLOWERS AND GIFT SHOP Kohinoor Hill Housing Kohinoor Hill Housing KOHINOOR HILL HOUSING PVT. LTD. Kohinoor Hill Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. KOHINOOR INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. KOHINOOR OVERSEAS CONSULTANCY PVT. LTD. Kohinoor Saving & Cooperative Ltd. Kohinoor Trade Concern Kohinoor Travels (P) Ltd. KOHINOOR TRAVELS PVT. LTD. Koirala Electronics & Time Center KOIRALA LAW AND COMPANY Koirala Sound & Lights Koirala Stores KOK HAN MARKETING SERVICES Koka Gorakhkali Pashmina & Handicraft (P) Ltd. Kolay Center Kolfu Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. KOMAL BAHADUR CHITRAKAR Komal Pharma KOMATSU (Continental Trading Ent. Pvt. Ltd.) KONARK PLASTIC MACHINE MFRS KONCEPT CREATOR PVT. LTD. KONE Elevator India Pvt. Ltd. Koneco Pvt. Ltd. Kongde Hotel Kongde Hotel Kongde Hotel Pvt. Ltd. Kongde Hotel Pvt. Ltd. Kongpo Carpet Karkhana Konika Photo Studio KONTAKI COURIER PVT. LTD. KONTAKT COURIER PVT. LTD. Kontakt Courier Service (P) Ltd. KONTAKT COURIER SERVICE PVT. LTD. Kool Cyber Junction Kool kids KOOL TIME Kopila Cottage Preschool Kopila English School KOPILA FOOD INDUSTRY Kopila Khadya Udyog Kopila Nepal Kopila- The Well Baby Clinic Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Korea Nepal Hosanna Social Serv Korea Thimi Hospital Korea Youth Volunteers Korean Air Korean Chasma Pasal Korean Epilepsy Association KOREAN HOTEL AND GUEST HOUSE KOREAN LEE BOK BEAUTY PARLOUR Korean Shop Koreana International Pvt. Ltd. KoreanAir KOSELEE ART Koselee Art & Design Koselee Dainik Samachar Patrika Koselee Prakashan Koselee Prakashan Koselee Textiles (P) Ltd. KOSELI ARTS Koseli Guest House Koseli Steel Furniture Ind Koseli Yatayat Sewa Pvt. Ltd. Koshala Hardware Center KOSHELI Kosheli Ghar Kosheli House Kosheli Shoe Style KOSHER PACKGING Koshi & Neupane Nirman Sewa (K & N) Koshi Anchal Hospital Koshi Anchal Motor Yatayat (P) Ltd. Koshi Anchal Motor Yatayat Garage Koshi Asha Enterprises Koshi Auto Mechanical & Engineering Works Koshi Campus Koshi Chiya Udyog Koshi Dhuwani Sewa P. Ltd. Koshi English School Koshi Export KOSHI EXPORTS Koshi F.M. (Pvt.) Ltd. KOSHI FEED INDUSTRIES Koshi Gas Udyog (P) Ltd. Koshi Gas Udyog (P) Ltd. KOSHI GAS UDYOG PVT. LTD. Koshi Health & Science Campus Koshi Health Institute Koshi Hill Development Programme Koshi Home Appliances (P.) Ltd. KOSHI INTERNATIONAL SERVICE PVT. LTD. Koshi International Services (P) Ltd. Koshi International Services Pvt. Ltd. KOSHI KASTHA UDHYOG Koshi Khadya Udyog Koshi Mechi Dhuwani Sewa KOSHI METAL CRAFTS CO.PVT. LTD. Koshi Motor Workshop KOSHI MOTOR WPRKSHOP Koshi Municipality Koshi Nirman Sewa Koshi Nursing Home Koshi Oil & Trade Centre KOSHI OIL AND TRADE CONCERN Koshi Oil Mills KOSHI PHARMA KOSHI PLASTIC UDYOG PVT. LTD. Koshi Plastics Udyog (P) Ltd. Koshi Plastics Udyog (P) Ltd. Koshi Poly Plastic Koshi Polythene Industries Koshi Printing Press KOSHI PROCESS PVT. LTD. Koshi Pustak Bhandar Koshi Pustak Pasal Koshi Real Estate Co. (P) Ltd. Koshi Saint James Residential Secondary School Koshi Salai Co. (P) Ltd. KOSHI SALAI CO. PVT. LTD. Koshi St. James College Koshi St. James Higher Secondary School Itahari Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve Koshi Textile Industry Koshi Tours & Travel (P) Ltd. KOSHI TOURS AND TRAVELS PVT. LTD. KOSHI TRADE LINK Koshi Trading Centre Koshi Trading Company Koshi Vidhya Mandir Koshish (Mental Health Conseling) Koshish Nirman Sewa Kosi Agents Koslee Suppliers Kot Devi Jhaukhel Nirman Sewa Kot Ghaderi Nirman Sewa KOTAA DHUKU Kotaa Dhuku Oil Store KOTAHI MAI ENTERPRISES Koteshwor Auto Parts Koteshwor Computer & Educational Center Koteshwor Dandi Pasal Koteshwor Madhyamik Bidhyalaya Koteshwor Mart Koteshwor Multiple Campus Koteswor Dandi Pasal KOTESWOR IRON SHOP Koteswor Vet Clinic KOTHARI FOOD PRODUCTS Kotihawa English Secondary School KOTIHAWA OIL STORES Kotodam Language Institute KOURIER KING Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P.) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P.) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P.) Ltd. Kourtier Couriers (P.) Ltd. KOURTIER COURIERS PVT. LTD. Koushal Ply House KOYOTO INTERNATIONAL Koyu Concern & Suppliers- Western Union Kramik Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. Krean Development Cooperation Kreepa Pharmaceuticals KRF LImited KRIPA PHARMACEUTICALS Kripa Printers Kripa's Krishan Model Dal Udyog Krishana Shree Trade Links Krishi Aujar Karkhana Krishi Aujar Karkhana Ltd. Krishi Bikash Bank Krishi Bikash Gobar Gas Co. Pvt. Ltd. KRISHI CHOON UDYOG LTD. Krishi Patrika Krishi Patrika Krishi Samagri Sansthan KRISHI SAMAGRI SANSTHAN BIU BIJAN MAHASAKHA Krishi Suchana Krishi Supply Shansthan KRISHK TRADE CONCERN KRISHMA GUEST HOUSE Krishna Krishna KRISHNA AND SERVICE BUSINESS CONCERN Krishna Arjun Rice Mill KRISHNA ARYAL AND COMPANY Krishna Auto Trade Krishna Auto Trade Krishna Auto Trade Krishna Auto Trade Krishna Auto Workshop KRISHNA BHAGAT JESH BHAGAT KRISHNA BHATTI CHIMNI Krishna Bidi Udyog KRISHNA BISCUIT CO.PVT.LTD. KRISHNA CEMENT COMPANY PVT. LTD. Krishna Cement Tile Udhyog Krishna Chemicals & Paints Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Krishna Chemicals & Paints Industry Pvt. Ltd. KRISHNA CHEMICALS AND PAINTS INDUSTRIES. PVT. LTD. KRISHNA CHIURA UDHYOG Krishna Communication & Stationaries Suppliers Krishna Construction & Engineering (P) Ltd. Krishna Construction & Engineering (P) Ltd. KRISHNA CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. KRISHNA CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. KRISHNA CORPORATION Krishna Dairy Krishna Dhuwani & Suppliers Krishna Engineering Industries Krishna Engineering Works Krishna Engineering Workshop Krishna Enterprises Krishna Enterprises Traders Pvt. Ltd. Krishna Fabricators Krishna Flowers Decorators Krishna Furnishing Furniture Center Krishna Furniture Industry Krishna Glass & Frame House << back